The Lavender Edit

Skye’s Seven: The Lavender Edit

Summer shows no signs of stopping soon. Fun, light colors are still getting big play before we head into the fall. One of our favorite color trends of the season: lavender. Megan actually wrote a Color Spotlight on lavender last year. The soft, calming, feminine color is still getting major play. It’s a good time to invest in the color, because it will blend well with fall’s earthy color scheme. We think it’s healing powers are a good reason to add it to your life, too.

Let’s Learn about Lavender

Lavender’s hue is not the only thing we love. It is also one of my favorite scents. Pure lavender is much more than just a pleasing aroma, it actually has many positive health benefits. According to Medical News Today, “Lavender oil is believed to have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, which can help to heal minor burns and bug bites… [and] research suggests that it may be useful for treating anxiety, insomnia, depression, and restlessness.”

I personally carry a small bottle of lavender oil in my purse like the one linked below. I love to have this on hand for when I am feeling stressed out and just need a minute to relax.

Shop Lavender Favorites

Whether you’re wearing the hue or using the herbal remedy to improv your health, here are a few finds we loved:

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xoxo, Skye

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