Snow Bunny Essentials: Shop My Ski Gear Picks
I grew up with a dad who loved the snow. We had a family cabin in northern Maine and my mom’s parents had a home on the hills of Bryce Mountain Ski Resort in Virginia. I wouldn’t call myself an expert, but I love spending long days out in the cold, crisp air.
I wrote an article for RVA Traveler in Richmond Magazine about all of the Virginia area ski resorts. Click here to read it on page 43. Ever since, I’ve been craving time on the slopes. Now that ski season is here, I’m putting some dates on the calendar. First, though, I needed an updgrade to my ski gear. It’s been probably a decade since I invest in any new items. That is just SAD.
With the holidays behind me and a new year on the horizon, I’ve done some searching and shopping online to find some practical, yet stylish items to add to my suitcase before I head out to the hills. A few were under the tree waiting for me, while a few more I purchased for myself, and the remaining items are on the wishlist for the next big pay day.
If you’re headed out for some skiing, too, take a minute to shop some of these affordable items. The key to this collection, for me, was to keep the silhouettes feminine and the colors simple and bold. I stuck to a color palette: red, pink black and white. So, no matter what, items go seamlessly together. I know you’ll love them like I do.
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