Simple Low-Cost or Free Self Care Ideas
Here we are, deep into an unprecedented time of self isolation, financial stress, and grief thanks to our friend coronavirus. It’s difficult for us all. Self care has taken on an entirely new level of importance in our collective lifestyles. I’m especially glad.
I think the Internet has played a special part of making the COVID-19 pandemic both more stressful and more tolerable at the same time. There has been so much pressure to to be productive and to thrive during this time. Endless images of perfectly cooked meals, loving couples, at-home workout successes, and hyped self care habits have made us all feel a little “less than” from time to time. I know I get to feeling like I’m not doing enough.
I also see an increase in alcohol-related posts, which I think also offers the wrong road to stress relief. I know, I ‘m part of the problem sometimes. Bloggers like me keep posting our perfect photos and sharing our cocktail recipes. For every one of those images and posts, there are moments of sobbing, slobbing, and whining. Trust me.
I’m here to say YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE PRODUCTIVE every day. You have my permission to slow down and do nothing. You also don’t have to take self care to the max. There are many, many ways to practice self care without spending a bunch of money. I put together a few ideas for you.
19 Ways to Self Care Without Breaking the Bank
Watch a live concert online
My dad and his wife do this all the time! They were ahead of the stay-at-home game. They pour up glasses of wine or beer and dance in their living room together. Who is an artist who wish you were seeing right now? Reach for their videos on YouTube. Some of them are also offering live concerts on Facebook and Instagram right now. Make time to get lost.
Do your full skin care routine
We all know a 6-step skin care routine is what we SHOULD be doing every day. How many of us usually do it? I know pre-coronavirus that I didn’t. Now, I have some more time in the beginning, end, or middle of the day. I’ve been using the Save Skin anti-pollution product line for my dry skin. I’ve also been rediscovering some products I hadn’t used in a while. Slow down and take care of yourself with whatever you have.
Make Your Bed
You picked out your pretty little comforter and pillows didn’t you? They look good when they’re all made up! So, please your eyes. Make them every day. Studies show that people who make their beds sleep better and have more sex.
Limit Your Screen Time
This is helpful for MANY reasons. It was a struggle before the self isolation orders and recommendations. Put your phone in a different room or place it face down for a few hours every day. This will help you stay focused on work and limit the comparison factor. Crush work, take a nap, read, binge watch a show, but don’t look at your phone.
Facetime a friend
I cannot stress how powerful this is. I find that I pay attention to my friends even more when I FaceTime them compared to a phone call. Ring them out of the blue or text them to find a time to catch up. Seeing their face is a powerful way to really focus on that connection. You’ll stay more focused than if you just called, I promise.
Light a candle
I have relocated to parent’s house for a few weeks. I bought candles with me. Candles make any space MY space. Years of traveling have helped me discover this hack. The light flickering calms me down. The scent is soothing to the soul and senses. There’s scientific proof candles are stress relievers. I have been obsessed with my candles from Navabella and even sent some to friends.
Water your Plants
Some say that talking to plants is a form of therapy. They are also living beings. Now’s a good time to slow down and appreciate them. I make a bit of ritual out of it now. I fill up a pitcher and make my way around the place. I rearrange them or pluck yellow leaves. I give them a mini makeover every time. It feels good.
Talk to a Virtual Therapist
I’ve ben using the Bloom app. It’s a simple mental wellness app. It combines interactive video sessions with guided journaling exercises. The more you use it, the more personalized it gets. Use code SWEET25 when you sign up. Learn more on my Sweet Deals page of special discount codes and coupons.
Organize, Declutter or Purge
This is a great form of self care. When you declutter and purge, you are less stressed when it comes to performing daily tasks like getting dressed and cooking. You will also learn about which items mean the most to you. You’ll appreciate them and therefore use them more. Honor what you love and let go of what you don’t. Learn a few closet cleaning tips here.
Donate to a charity
Sometimes people get down because they don’t know how to help. You can make a difference really fast: donate to a nonprofit. For example, I work with CARITAS and they are accepting hygiene products, homemade face masks, and financial donations. Go big or go small. Studies show that giving is good for the giver because it boosts physical and mental health in a number of ways including lower blood pressure
Move your body
Walk, dance , stand up while you work, or do a full hour-long at-home workout. Whatever you do, just move. Try not to be so sedentary. Moving helps your neurological health in a number of ways. Another Harvard study says “when you try to move in synchrony with someone else, it also improves your self-esteem.” Shop my favorite workout gear right now:
Invest your money
This doesn’t cost a dime, but could make you money in the long-run. Take some time to evaluate your finances and learn where you have surpluses. Can you invest those in stock? Maybe you can make a simple upgrade to your retirement contributions. Go from $400 to $500 a month. I follow Ellevest and the Financial Diet for simple approachable money tips. Read this article I wrote about giving myself a raise this year.
Eat Slowly
I am so guilty of eating on the go. I blow through my meals sometimes without a thought. Pause and enjoy your cooking. Savor the ingredients. Respect this time away from work and other distractions. Give your full attention to your food. It will lead to a better relationship with your food, better digestion, better hydration, easier weight loss or maintenance.
Say “No” to Someone or Something
The best form of self care is to protect your personal energy. Your time and resources are precious. You don’t have to “say yes” to every meeting, every party, or every volunteer opportunity. You can turn down invites gracefully, too. Read this blog post about the art of saying no.
Try a Hand or Foot Mask
We’re all crazy about our face masks. There’s a reason for that. They work. But what about you hands and feet? You can pamper them during this time of respite, especially as we wash our hands more frequently. Shop a few below.
Waste Time
Do NOTHING. Do something totally unproductive. There is so much luxury in this. If you’re going to indulge in a typically luxurious activity, do it right without distractions. Put your phone away, too. Let yourself be unproductive. It will feel liberating. You may also respect this unproductive time more and find yourself more product other times.
Order in Dinner
I know we’re all watching our budgets closely. You don’t have to be Martha Stewart all day during quarantine, though. You also don’t have to survive off snacks when you don’t want to cook. Treat yourself. Order in a real meal. Get a nice bottle of wine or other drink. Set the table. Eat slowly. Take a photo. Tag a small business. Feel good. Savor the moment.
Go for a Drive
This is always free! Get in your car and just drive. Turn up your favorite music. Change your scenery. Hold your partners’ hand. Escape, literally, from the confines of your home and your physical surroundings. Leave a present in a friend’s mailbox. Park somewhere beautiful for 10 minutes and then drive home. Just get out.
Write a gratitude list
I’m new to gratitude journaling, but it really is powerful. Sometimes it’s hard to get started, but once you start thinking about everything you’re grateful for, you can’t help but smile. Writing them down makes it permanent. Shop my favorite notebooks: