Happy New Year: Resolutions, a Giveaway and a Humble Life Update
Why, hello, friends! It has indeed been a while since I typed away on Sweet Sauce Blog. Usually this time of year is reserved for resolutions and fitness goals. I’m still planning to kick ass in 2018, but I will take a moment to explain my absence as of late.
I took a two-week break at the end of December. While I likely needed the break already, life forced me to pause and reflect. My oldest brother passed away December 16. It was sudden and very unexpected. We were close, though he lived in Florida and we are 15 years a part. I paused all of my work and business to mourn and support my mother and family members. I couldn’t have been more comforted by the close friends I have who came to our call. Many of them have been there with me through similarly tragic losses. I could only start 2018 with overwhelming gratitude and a sense of renewal and hope.
2017 was a year full of losses and struggle for me. While Sweet Sauce has been a consistently positive light, I have faced the loss my grandmother, professional and financial challenges of starting a freelance business, complicated relationship obstacles, a losing battle with my eczema, and the loss of a close family friend. My time off has allowed me to decompress, think, evaluate and recharge. I’ve made my way back out into the world slowly, connecting with friends and contacts, filling in my planner, and crossing things off on my to-do list that have sat for far too long. Here are a few things I plan to do little differently in 2018:
How I Hope to Live Better in 2018
I won’t call this a New Year’s Resolutions list, but perhaps more of a new general set of guidelines to live by. Strict diets, timelines and challenges don’t always suit me. These are the things that I believe will not only make me happier, but a more productive and impactful human being.
Slow down: This applies to everything: text messages, getting dressed, writing, thinking eating, etc. Because I rush through tasks, I don’t always retain information or think as creatively as I am capable. I also show up late pretty much all the time because I always try to fit in last-minute tasks. Ultimately, this makes me a more stressed and anxiety-plagued human being. It’s not the way I want to be any more.
Continue to eat as clean as possible: I’m not starting a Whole-30 or Paleo challenge, but I want to eliminate as much processed and potentially harmful food as possible from my diet. It is a good decision for my eczema and there is so much research that it is good for your mind and body as a whole. I may continue to share
recipes like this one with you if you are interested. I’ll ask in my annual survey soon.
Read more: Writing is the craft I’d like to do more and more of in 2018. I can’t become a better writer unless I make time to read more. It improves my vocabulary, increases my creativity and also helps me meet goal No. 1: slow down.
More podcasts: I’ve been hired to work on a podcast for Longwood University. I have immediately been drawn to the craft and have started consuming podcasts for research. Now I’m hooked on several and they’ve brought a new meaning to walking and driving. I look forward to sharing those with you!
Eat with no phone or computer in sight: This is a pretty specific resolution. I think that’s about as specific as I’ll get. I believe in order to create a better relationship with my food and to slow down, I need to encourage myself to pause when it comes to eating. This includes the preparation component of eating. I’ve already started and really don’t see it eating into my productivity levels. We’ll see how that goes when I get social media going again for me and my clients.
Dress with purpose: Toward the end of 2017, I found myself–possibly from fatigue and stress–dressing in a way that felt sloppy or unorganized. I’m certain I’m my largest critic, but I want to put more effort into dressing with clean lines, wearing outfits appropriate for the occasion, and getting rid of any unnecessary layers and accessories. This includes my hair, which is always damn mess. See below for more inspiration in this department. I’ll let you guys hold me to it. I’ll still have some serious fun, though.
Reach out to people I like: I’ve been on a “No New Friends” diet for some years now. I didn’t think I needed any new friends and I didn’t think my life had space for them. Turns out, new friends are really amazing and I’ve made a few already this year. Some of them were there for me during a tough time, too. I’d like to listen to my gut more often and create meaningful relationships with people my soul and my brain are drawn to. I want to continue to see life from new perspectives and create new synergy for my professional work.
Get rid of excess: I am so distracted by things and people who are only half-way important. This includes clothes I don’t wear, old camera equipment I’ve been meaning to sell, birthday cards, people I don’t really like, etc. I want to make more time for love, success and mindfulness. I am committed to cleaning out the corners of my life that collect dust.
Kick It Off with Good Hair: Join the Giveaway
That was a longer lists than I expected! Phew. Naturally, starting the year off with a fresh look, outfit, or hairstyle is a great way to feel confident in reaching your own goals. That’s really what Sweet Sauce is all about. Because I believe we can all stand to learn a bit more about hair and how to make it work for us, I’ve partnered with 1213 Hair Studio for all of 2018. We’re kicking things off my giving one lucky RVA area follower a free blow out.
To Enter:
- Visit me on Instagram between now and Friday, January 5.
- Like the photo that looks like one of these with all the fun paint samples.
- Tag two friends in the comments.
- Bonus entries to those who mention their favorite resolution from this post.
Get This Sweater
Like my sweater here? It’s stinking cute. I’ve been wearing it everywhere. It’s from Tailor, a Richmond-based boutique. You can shop this full outfit here.