Five Natural Ways to Make Your Period Better

make your period betterPeriods suck–for the woman and sometimes even those around her. We make up a lot of excuses and do things on our periods that we wouldn’t normally do. There’s no reason not to pay extra attention to yourself, in fact. I think that’s important and your period should be a time to make yourself a priority. Here are a few ways to prevent indulging or taking care of yourself in the wrong ways and actually coming out on top.

lola tampons

Stay Natural with Lola

Plenty of pads and tampons are loaded with chemicals. A woman’s vagina is the most absorbent part of her body.  Dyes, scents, and plastics aren’t good any other parts of your body and are certainly not the best choice for your lady parts. Reach for these 100% hypoallergenic cotton tampons from LOLA.  (no bleach, synthetics, dyes, or mystery ingredients).  Bonus, you can get a monthly subscription to  LOLA, which comes every month like your period. No more! last-minute drug store run for tampons ever again (guilty!). Sign up here. 

when mask

Pamper Yourself

Embrace your time of the month by incorporating moments of pampering.  I recently got a shipment of these When face masks. They are easy, yet effective mini spa treatments. The coconut-based sheet masks smell good and are focused on moisturizing. We loose a lot of water during our period.  I think the 10 p.m. mask is a great way to unwind before bed.  Stock up on these so you have something to look forward to when your flow starts.


no nonsense socks

Break a Sweat

There’s scientific evidence that exercising to the point where you’re a little bit winded will make you feel better because it triggers your brain to release endorphins, the body’s natural pain reliever. Do you know what makes working out even better? Great socks. Seriously. New socks are the best investment. Try these No Nonsense sports socks. I’ve been wearing them for a month or so and they are the most comfortable socks I own.


Screen shot 2016-08-21 at 10.07.56 PMHave Some Chocolate

Your body’s natural response before and during your period is to make up for the drop in serotonin. The easiest fix?  High-fat, high-sugar, high-carb food. Don’t do it! Keep fresh food on hand and lots of water. Any extra sugar you take in will be a very temporary pick-me up and the comedown will be worse. Keep some dark chocolate on hand. This is where you can get your sweet fix, but also replenish some much needed iron back into your body. I make sure I stock up before my period rolls around via Relay Foods. Chocolate delivery to my door! I also get all of my groceries through this Central Virginia local food service.


slip eye mask

Get Some Sleep

This might seem like a no brainer, but seriously. Make some extra time during your period to get another hour of sleep each night. This will help your body combat the side effects of your flow. I live and die by eye masks. They let me slip in a crucial nap or keep snoozing after the sun starts to peek in our skylights. Read my post featuring a silk eye mask here.


What are your period secrets?! Share them below!


  1. Ashley wrote:

    Great tips, lady- and I love When masks; such a great sheet mask line!

    Le Stylo Rouge

    Posted 8.23.16
    • wrote:

      I know right? Can’t wait to try all the masks!

      Posted 8.29.16

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