Dressing with Confidence

Chaz Barracks

Style Profile: Chaz on Dressing with Confidence

Name: Chaz Barracks

City: Richmond, VA

What: Chaz had to work at a preschool on this fine fall day. He wanted to look happy, colorful, kid friendly, but professional. He needed to have layers for the unpredictable early fall day. He also wanted to be sure he could head to his alma mater to rendezvous with friends he hadn’t seen in a while. How about that teal?!

Chaz says:

“I get dressed everyday because I love my body, I love opportunities to express myself through fashion by finding things that compliment my ever-changing physique, even in subtle ways that we tend to do work professional dress.”

“The weather also inspires my fashion. If it’s a bright and sunny when I wake up, I want to represent that in my attire but, I also want to be comfortable, which can be rare for good fashion.”

polka dot shirt

Sunglasses, H&M at Union Station – “5 bucks! They are a steal, one of my favorite pieces-navy blue glasses.”

Shirt, GU – “It’s like the GAP of Japan with really cheap and funky styles.”

Cardigan, Thrifted


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